We need your help! Our volunteers often share that working with BSF is deeply gratifying. They volunteer to give back or pay it forward, to feel a sense of pride or accomplishment, to connect with others, work as part of a team, or to share and develop specific skills. Here are some of the ways you can help:
Attend an Event - Volunteer or participate in our events. Our volunteers are what make our events memorable and successful.
Become a part of the BSF Team - We value your time and talent and there are many opportunities to use both to help the BSF. We always need people to help with writing newsletter articles, marketing, website content, event management, historian/photographer, donation procurement, fundraising, hosting events and reviewing scholarship applications.
Ask your Company for Help - Asking your company for help, gather volunteers, or to donate to our scholarship fund will help BSF provide more scholarships to deserving students.
Spread the Word - Know a deserving woman who needs a scholarship or a talented person who wants to help? Encourage them to learn more about applying for a scholarship or supporting our cause by reaching out to [email protected] .